Below Zero Ain't Pretty!
Hard Winter, It Seems Endless....
Long time gone from here. Barack Obama is president of the United States! I voted, I saw that happened, I watched the inauguration on TV; it real! The change is estatic but terribly complicated, the economy in free-fall, hard times, the depth of bleak winter.
I'm not sure where I've been, or, one day seems like the next. I had two weeks of paid vacation and did very little. Some hope of a plan to see my kids in California, maybe in April. Goals had been, yes-to stop smoking, to paint my bedroom, to make some oil paintings: I did none of that. The winter has been very cold, minus degrees, down to minus 28 F.,a record low for the Quad Cities...I lived through that.
Matt phones me as he drives home from work and it cheers me greatly. We talk of orchids amd grandkids and grand food. It came up that maybe I should end my Prairie Exile, come home, and the complications of that still abound, money mostly, it's so expensive to live in California; but it works, it should happen, foggy notions of transits, out of here, back to there. The problems I escaped--essentially isolation and lonliness--would, could reinsue, but maybe I'm more apt to deal with it now, Lexapro, philosophical shifts--as I age some insurmountable things seem more do-able in the sense that karma allows the unthinkable to become likely, inevitible.
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