Ascelpias (butterfly flower) seed fluff
The second of two days off from work in a row. I raked then hosed off the back deck, a clean slate, moving this year's pots to the looks good. A second, rare second cup of coffee just now, normally only a wake-up cup. The sky is slatey, grey, rain coming, not brrrrr! cold, about 60 degrees F.
Not so depressed today as idle. Some "exile" sense again, strongly, my southern Californian connections rearing up. Lauren's Meg is four years old today, a party for her on Sunday; it'd be nice to be there...or on a beach, some place with vistas.
Minor dilemma: I planted Helenium seeds in September, they sprouted, but I'm not sure they can survive outside; inside, difficult to find a place for them with good light. I planted three Lowe's bargain, end of the season daylilies yesterday, called "Final Touch" pink, yellow, green throat.
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