Yesterday, hail, sleet, rain, snow, lightening and thunder; today 50 degrees F. and sunny. Aspects of spring, robins, maples and the poplar sprouting buds, it seems the shift is on...as the world turns.
I'm doing a quick trip to see my kids and grandkids in California. With work-buddy Julie, we fly out of Moline April 7, via Denver, to Oakland, and return on April 14...a quickie. A northern California trip, no time or money to see Rachel and the family in Santa Paula, maybe another trip in the works--longer--in October. So this one is about family, San Francisco, the beach (Julie has never flown in an airplane or seen an ocean), good food, with an eye ~maybe~ to looking for potentials places I might alight in some future life. I've never been much of a fan of northern California, spoiled by the Santa Barbara tenure. All of California an expensive proposition, that's for sure! "Famous Artist" might pay the bill, but not working at Lowe's. So, the trip is on my mind.
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