...a Self Portrait in Shadows
area where I'm making a new garden
I have had two days in a row off from Lowe's...a rare event. Yesterday I went on another road trip with Joy and Alan, Karla and Vicki, generally to Oregon, Illinois to see the Black Hawk Monument on the Rock River.
Today, Thursday, an at-home day, Jim, my house-mate wanted my plants removed from the back deck. A Midwestern reality, many things that grow outdoors beautifully for spring and summer and fall, fade and wither and die in the winter. So, although a little early, the back deck is more or less orderly and barren again, awaiting powerwashing, clean-up, and growing things that need to winter over in the house are lined up to be brought in before frosts come. I've planted some new enchinaceas and scabiosas, also Madonna Lilies, which will survive in or below the ground for the winter and pop up in the springtime; tomorrow, time permitting, I'll move some irises into the same area with little bulbets of allium, creating a new garden area with established roses and dwarf evergreens already there.
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